All this talk about Ann Coulter being a "racist." Pleas! Sell you sad story somewhere else! Muslim isn't a race! It's a choice! Same thing being a papist or in a trade union or Arab. And as for my so called "distasteful" flaming cross display, if you want to scare somebody out of the neighborhood, I'd like you to come up with a better idea.
Oh, what's that? Use ghosts? It's 2013, people aren't even scared of vampires anymore and people give so little of a fuck about werewolves they carry them in handbags. Ghosts? Please. Sit back down.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, yes you can drive a lawn mower on city streets while drunk, but you can't drink while driving. Fun law fact. Next question.
26 April, 2013
Gun Machine is Good Medicine
Gun Machine, like most of Warren Ellis' work is about shoving interesting people into a situation that is both familiar and chock full of big ideas that one would never think to associate with something as pat and done as a murder mystery. Law and Order this is not.
With Ellis it's always been less about the results than it seems to be about this passage of time between the covers. There are exceptions to that, but you look at Planetary or Crecy and you see that the grand story takes a backseat to the plot. The moment is more important than the sum total. He is less interested in presenting the why of an interplanetary spaceship hidden underneath the pavement of New York City than he in presenting what that would do to a guy. The depths of his work come out of passing through the world and not out of some traditional conclusion. He rarely ever bothers with telling you that this all means something, instead he lets you sort it out from the puzzle pieces he left behind.
Gun Machine is very much in that style.
It seems to be about what these characters are presently dealing with rather than how all of the pieces come together. It is about gears, not the machine.
This approach to a procedural prevents the story and
all of its threads getting in the way of its main characters. You see
this the various history lessons it presents (that seem to have only
a tangential baring on the plot) and you see it in how they go about solving the crime. There aren't any hard revelations, there is just the continuation of these characters putting work into this horrific murder contraption that spans New York City. Rather, there's just people dealing with their moment to moment problems. Sometimes those moments involve horrible, roccoco murders.

Another one of Ellis' strengths are his characters. While all great stories tend to have really memorable characters, there is just something special about characters like Spider Jerusalem or Jakita Wagner or just about anyone from Agents of HATE. He writes vulgar, violent characters that are fun to listen to and who you want to hang out with, even if they are utter maniacs and Gun Machine has all of that in spades, even if they aren't as cranked as high as the kind of characters that populate his comic book work (or even Crooked Little Vein, from what I remember).
Ellis' John Tallow, like James Bond, seems to have a name that is designed to be forgotten. He's a terminally uninteresting person and has spent much of his life working at that.
Ellis doesn't seem to be too interested
in Tallow's life. That might be because he doesn't have one. The
lifeless detective is a blanched human being just short of being a
cipher. But being a cipher at least shows the hand of the author,
however lazy, Tallow is just, well, he's just a nobody. He's a cop
that, like so many people seems to be in the place he is because life
carried him along like a piece of driftwood.
Another character that Tallow reminds me of is another sluggish, troubled detective, which is Jo Nesbo's Harry Hole
In that way he is different from the
long tradition of troubled detectives. Tallow might not be as complex
as a Harry Hole (by the very nature of Hole being featured in nearly 10 novels), but he also cannot be accused of being cliched,
except by the laziest and, I'm sure, simple of critics. It certainly
is brave to write a main character with no distinguishing personality
and it's certaintly a sign of skill if the author can get away with
it like Ellis does.
And I want to see the further
adventures of John Tallow. Though, there is another difference,
which is that Nesbo avoids giving his audience hard and definite ends
to al of his book's crises because he has a series to continue and
Hole has a life to live beyon this one book. Ellis, on the other
hand, just doesn't seem that interested.
What Tallow and this world exists as is
perfectly fine. Yet, I want to see more of the batshit insane CSU
personnel and I want to see Ellis contrive a way to make Tallow into
some kind of a human being, which is something that Tallow seems
desperate to try and avoid.
In a way it doesn't matter as this book is all about present action. Seeing
Tallow in the future where the past begins to creep into his life
would be interesting to see, I also just want more lines like “I am
a Crime Scene Unit detective for the New York City Police Department,
you heinous fucking mongoloid and there is nothing I cannot do.” If
that means that some of the quality of the story is going to suffer,
then I guess I'll just have to be okay with that.
On the downside, too much of the story relies on
coincidences that a first year screenwriting student would be forced
to hack out.Then again it's these coincidences that
keep the book from getting bogged down. They're depressingly convienient
plot devices. While the plot and the characters are what stand out in this book, they also stand out because they have to do most of the heavy lifting. In many ways the story is an excuse to get their people into rooms with each other and to explain weird things about New York's crypto-geography and that's all well and good, but I don't know that's what the novels were built for.
I still wonder if the novel is Ellis' artform. I do not that even if it isn't one of his mastered mediums, he can still crank out a worthwhile novel that still has all of the massive ideas and creative cursing that you come to expect from the man who dreamed up Spider Jerusalem. Though, creative cursing isn't exactly what one goes to books for (or even comic books for that matter). Ellis is lacking something in this book. As much fun as it is and as many wonderful ideas are on display, none of it adds up to something more significant than just a kooky murder mystery. I guess I'm okay with that.
I just re-read Ennis' Global Frequency,
which was recently re-printed in a single trade in its entirety. It's
a fantastic comic book and a perfect example of what the medium can
do. As a book it moves like a hyper-manic love child of Mission:
Impossible and The Twilight Zone. This book introduces these amazing
ideas and then casts them off as soon as the story moves along. It
isn't in love with its own cleverness, just in telling the story.
Besides being a good yarn, it also might make one wonder why the fuck
the X-Men need 27 issues and four cross-over books to tell the same
kind of story (but with less thrills, emotions, and cost).

Global Frequency reads like a form of
Ellis' style and interests that has been boiled down to a crystal
form that is either perfectly suited as a weapon or a high-quality
narcotic. It takes all of the dark corners that Ellis' stories exists
in and only shows us them in these fast-paced forms that
are already half-way finished by the time we get to them.
They are almost all tinged with Ellis' unshakable sense of hope, as well. He isn't an optimist, not exactly, but he is a guy that seems to believe that if the right people are there they can outsmart, outfight, outkill, and outlive the worst that the universe has to offer.
They are almost all tinged with Ellis' unshakable sense of hope, as well. He isn't an optimist, not exactly, but he is a guy that seems to believe that if the right people are there they can outsmart, outfight, outkill, and outlive the worst that the universe has to offer.
While it is also infected with Ellis'
hyper-competent, benevolent dictator/Nietzchian superman character
that he loves so dearly (ie: Men and women so intensley skilled that
you deserve to be murdered by a robot for even bothering to ask who
they are and why they are yelling so loud. See: Spider Jersualem,
Elijah Snow, and Miranda Zero and maybe the bad guy in Gun Machine if he wasn't, you know, a baddie). As a comic book archetype, there are
worse people to spend time with. At least they help stop cyborgs or
solve mysteries about angels or gouge out each others' eyeballs.
Reading these two books in such close proximity,
though, reminds me why I like Ellis so much and why he is so well
regarded in the comics community (or at least why he should be).
This trade also serves as is another piece proving that Ellis is not
only one of the great storytellers living, but he is also one of our
great idea men.
(And not to end this on a love in
Wolfskin and Black Summer are both swollen dog corpses that were drowned in a shit-bog. Avoid these comics at
all cost. One is lifeless to the point of being offensive and the
other is incoherent dreck only serves to remind one that there are
stories that exist that have beheadings for a reason.)
Jo Nesbo,
Marklin Rifle,
Warren Ellis
21 April, 2013
So, This is On TV
There's a scene in this movie where a Holocaust survivor is singled out by the Muslim terrorists, along with all of the other Jewish passengers.
Now keep in mind this is all scored to an overbearing 1980's synth soundtrack and was immediately preceded by Chuck Norris being re-recruited by the Delta Force to a score that would have seem not out of place in Team America: World Police. It's completely ridiculous and it'd be offensive if it wasn't clear that their intentions were sincere and, oh and if it hadn't actually happened in real life.
And. . . I think it got to me, even though I was laughing at a bad child actor shout "Please don't take my daddy," somehow through all of the bad music and character actors, I still got a little tingle. I guess that's a sign that this movie might just work.
Now Lee Marvin is suiting up to take back a plane chock full of hostages. Let's hope he gets out of this okay. Oh, hey, Robert Vaughn is in this movie.
That's never a bad thing.
13 April, 2013
Adventures of Imperial Glory!
A Quick Thought About the Lives of a
Bengal Lancer--
This movie isn't a great one. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer in terms of Imperial Adventure moves falls below GungaDin, but above The Northwest Frontier (and probably well above Carryon Up the Khyber if the You Tube clips are accurate). There are
certain kind of movies that I am drawn to though, and regardless of
the quality I have to watch them. I've been over this before, but
besides the obvious choice of WWII movies, movies about Imperial
adventure are high on the list. It's a problem I have.
Outside of my own ridiculous solipism,
movies like The Lives of a Bengal Lancer meet a larger need. They're
the grease that keeps movie studios going between bouts of costumed
affair dramas and biopics about dead jerks. Like the Western or the
War movie or the screwball comedy, it meets a certain need, it stars
a certain kind of actor, and it gets in and out without you having to
think too hard. It's old fashioned film making and for better or
worse it represents the kind of movie they don't make anymore.
(To be fair the brown face scenes are
awesome. Hear that, liberal elite? Awesome. Also: It is totally
grounded in historical fact. Chew on that, hippies.)
What I like is its expedience in
storytelling. It's the kind of thing movies like it (or their distant
relatives) should take note on. There are no B-plots that don't get
resolved or flow into the main story. There aren't any ruminations on
what this all means or the impact of their mission unless it directly
This film has no fat. A butcher would be proud.

Looking at this movie (and many more
like it), I think that they're missing the point. You don't need a one-hundred forty
minute running time to make a movie cinematic. Since the birth of cinema they've
made good films that are good partially because they're short and to
the point. Making them longer, to me, is an attempt to treat the
wrong symptoms.
There's also the old adage of quality
over quantity, but I'm being a hypocrite here, so
let's just move quietly along, shall we?
It's a frolic. There's no
substance, there's no real philosophy, there's just men doing their
jobs and then a big bad guy with an accent dies at the end. In
between there's some horse riding, aome costumes, a some outdoors, a
dragon lady, and dialogue that ranges from glib irony to cloying
sincerity. In short: It's an old fashioned adventure film. What more
could a man want?
Dirty Horrible Needs,
Gary Cooper,
06 April, 2013
The Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Comic You Didn't Know You Wanted
East of West feels like a blend between
a high-concept indy comic that you saw at a convention (and would
likely never read) and the most low-brow, straight forward pulp to
fall out of Image's ass in the mid-90's. Due to what alchemy, I do
not know, the results are something rather amazing. Violent, oblique, and ambitious, and amazing.
Did I say it was amazing?
Did I say it was amazing?
East of West tells the story of. . . I don't know what. There's a supernatural trio of murder machines (with a missing sibling) that exist in an alternate future where the United States was segmented into seven different nation and a nuclear war went down in the middle of the 21st century. Then there is a prophetic Mao Ze Dung and the president gets his head blown off. It's pretty good.
At the very least it's a fine first
issue and considering how much of this world has yet to be revealed,
I think this might end up being a very fine trade indeed.
My interest flagged slightly when the
exact identity of the Four is revealed, which takes the mysterious
power of these characters and then anchors them to one of the more
well-worn pieces of Biblical mythology. It doesn't ruin anything, it
just seems to present an answer where I didn't need or want one.
Ideally, as the story unfolds, the intent and origin of the Four will
reveal itself as something slightly different than that great
Biblical quartet.

I know I've said it about Nowhere Men
and I know I've said it about Prophet (hey, both are Image books,
strange. . . ). It's true with this book too.
Ignoring psychiatric diagnoses for a moment, let
me ask you a question: Is there anyone in comics doing as much varied
and exciting work as Bryan Hickman is right now?
Between The Manhattan Projects, Secret, The Red Wing, his Fantastic Four run,
and this I'm hard pressed to think of someone doing as many out-there
projects as he is-- and that's without including his mainstream comic
book work. At the risk of naming the Great Bearded One and bringing
up all that name connotes, Hickman's current position in the
industry reminds me of Alan Moore.
Time will tell if Hickman is also a bitter, old crank. We already know that he's a wizard, but that could mean anything.
You should read the first issue. It
doesn't matter if you like science fiction or westerns or. . .
whatever genre this actually is you need to buy it.
Another congenital defect of my writing
is my repetition of the phrase “This is what comic books should
be.” In this case it's still true. This is what a comic book should be. It's what the market needs more of.
At the very least I know it's what I need more of.
03 April, 2013
You Had Me at "A"
Man. I really need to rewatch Winter's Bone. And No Country For Old Men. And do some laundry. And stop drinking.
Man, I really want to see whatever the hell this movie is.
01 April, 2013
Careful. This is important.
See that trailer? Congratulations, you saw the only good parts of The Raid: Redemption. What follows between the split second cuts is a moldering heap of nonsense, bad CGI blood, and follie work thrown into a blender,spat into, and then hard-boiled. Somehow the featureless, grey mush that pours out is considered a film by some. These people are art-criminals.
See that trailer? Congratulations, you saw the only good parts of The Raid: Redemption. What follows between the split second cuts is a moldering heap of nonsense, bad CGI blood, and follie work thrown into a blender,spat into, and then hard-boiled. Somehow the featureless, grey mush that pours out is considered a film by some. These people are art-criminals.
At some point I stopped watching the
movie as it was intended and instead began to watch it in fast
forward. After about five minutes of that (I don't think I missed
much), I grew weary of that, too, and quit the entire project all
Don't watch this movie. Not drunk. Not
high. Not with friends. Not ever. Roger Ebert was right. Everyone
else is wrong. It's a nonsense movie. It's the kind of martial arts
movie snobs mean when they say, “Oh, isn't that a martial arts
There's nothing interesting or
redeemable at all about this film and I say that as a fan of
violence. The plot is non-existent. The main character is a non-entity. The bad guys are just various tank top wearing goons that might have accidentally fallen out of a closeted bisexual's fever dream (nothing but long hair and a lack of sweat despite all his exertions). The main villain himself an out of shape man in a tank top. Even the set itself is a boring, nondescript place that makes you wonder if The Wire ever happened. Or if set design ever happened. Or if reality actually exists in a form that can be observed by any of the production crew at any point in their lives.
Hold on, I'm keeping back the vomit here.
Okay. Let's carry on.
If someone gets their throat slit it should mean something either because it's a horrible thing to happen to a person or because it is the culimination of a lot of other bad things. In this, like everything else in the movie, it's just a thing that happens. Regarding the violence, though, it's my love of violence in film that makes me loath this film just so much, because I've seen this damn thing done right.
That isn't awesome. That's grotesque in a way that is almost autistic in its misunderstanding of how violence works. Violence isn't awesome because it's on screen. Children get this. Why this director thinks that the popping of arteries devoid of context or meaning or emotion is awesome makes me think that he should be put in a home in the country and held down with a series of wet medical-grade blankets.
Then maybe someone should read a story to him, because there's a chance he's never actually encountered one in his entire life. (He is Welsh and they are a people in need of many things. And if this movie is any indication, literacy might have been one boon too many).
Hold on, I'm keeping back the vomit here.
Okay. Let's carry on.
If someone gets their throat slit it should mean something either because it's a horrible thing to happen to a person or because it is the culimination of a lot of other bad things. In this, like everything else in the movie, it's just a thing that happens. Regarding the violence, though, it's my love of violence in film that makes me loath this film just so much, because I've seen this damn thing done right.
That isn't awesome. That's grotesque in a way that is almost autistic in its misunderstanding of how violence works. Violence isn't awesome because it's on screen. Children get this. Why this director thinks that the popping of arteries devoid of context or meaning or emotion is awesome makes me think that he should be put in a home in the country and held down with a series of wet medical-grade blankets.
Then maybe someone should read a story to him, because there's a chance he's never actually encountered one in his entire life. (He is Welsh and they are a people in need of many things. And if this movie is any indication, literacy might have been one boon too many).
If you want a good movie about clearing
a tower of criminals watch Die Hard. Or Dredd 3d. If you're keen for trash, then go check out Fast Five, at least. And if you want an
insane martial arts movie watch Ong Bak 2 (a film that involve
pirates, child/alligator fights, ninjas, and Babar: King of the
Elephants all within the first fifteen minutes), which, for its many flaws, does include things like people and set design in its overall aesthetic. If you want an
Indonesian movie then check out Marentau, which isn't even very good
either, but at least it has a heart. And a story. And, like things that exist in a place somewhere adjacent to the planet earth. Then it ends.
Fuck. Fuck.
Fuck this movie.
Fuck this movie.
The only redemption to be found is watching a better movie afterwards. In my case it was The Lives of a Bengal Lancer. With you it could almost be anything.
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