04 September, 2009

Waiting Around

Ever since I first bought When The Man Comes around, I've always used Johnny Cash as a referencde point. I've always gone back to him in my best times and my worst times, because he was a guy that had been there, who understood the worst things that you have ever gone through and more. And he sang about it. He told you about it as loudly as he possibly could, because by putting it out there it was the only way he could deal with the everyday pain of waking up in the morning. Johnny Cash is a person who tried to make sense of the world and I know I'm probably better off with his songs being around than without them. I don't need something serious to happen to know that.

And I'm not hurting that bad, I know. And I don't want anyone to pat me on the shoulder. I don't have anything profound to say, because I really can't. There's people out there hurting more than I am and I have no idea how to reconcile anything that they're feeling with what I am or what I'm thinking. You can't learn to deal with any of the important things in life without going through them. That's the biggest kick in the head that life can ever throw at you. You can't understand it, you can't even begin to understand it until it's there. And that's the scariest thing of all.

I'm out of my depth, but I know that, in some silly way, other people have been there and maybe, if I listen to them in the right way, everything will suddenly make sense. Right now I'm waiting for that moment to arrive.

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