A Review of Prometheus #3
Part Seven of “James Versus Fire and
God. Here we are again.
One things that the Fire and Stone event has done well is that every comic book feels different. As interrelated as they are, each one is a distinct entity, each is a distinct type of story. They also each have distinct shortcomings. As the first comic in the Fire and Stone event Prometheus is the first word on what's wrong with this event.
Aliens is slow, but I'm interested to
see where it goes. AvP is a total shit show, though that at least presents its own kind
of pleasure. Predator is the stand out among this crossover event in
that it is a rock solid genre comic. But Prometheus? It is this vast scene of blandness. An entire ocean of semi-sentient pureed vegetables that think of "Yeah, I guess so" is the height of repartee.
I wish it were more terrible. That
might actually be fun.
Then again there must be some inherent
value in keeping me tortured.

So, what's going on with the actual
Last issue we left off with an entire hive of aliens (which, as I understand it are
hundreds of years old at this point? I think?) chasing our generic
main characters, but not swiftly enough to actually do any damage to people with names. And it kind of goes on like that.
The beginning smash cuts to Francis
(there, I finally remembered the black scientist's name) being chased
by Elden the Android (now in full GWAR mode). We assume he's there to kill Francis, but then he lets
Francis go. It's not to tease him, not to play with him like a cat
plays with it's prey. No. Elden lets the man go because this comic book is dumb.
All the while, Elden is rambling on about the type of shit that only psychopaths in poorly written stories ramble on about. He's upset that Francis betrayed his trust, yet, by his own admission, he is smarter, faster, and just generally cooler looking, yet he seems to be really worked up about this? Why? Why any of this?
All the while, Elden is rambling on about the type of shit that only psychopaths in poorly written stories ramble on about. He's upset that Francis betrayed his trust, yet, by his own admission, he is smarter, faster, and just generally cooler looking, yet he seems to be really worked up about this? Why? Why any of this?
God, do I hate Elden.
The rest of issue #3's story comes in fits and
starts, picking up the fumbled ball of the past two issues and just
sort of looking at it. “Is this a football?” and “What do you
want me to do with this?” it asks.
Across the planet, the scrappy captain
and her remaining crew are high tailing it towards the only way off
the stygian nightmare planet that they've found themselves on.
There's some push and pull about what needs to be done, but who
really cares. The captain is a non-entity and so is the rest of her
There's an attempt to characterize a
bunch of the survivors (people who should have met and cared about in
issue #1), by introducing a female scientist that has a wife that is
threatened by the aliens.
But, who is this lesbian scientist? And
who is her wife? Why should I care? Does she even have a name? The only information I can glean
from this plot line is that in the future people are cool about
homosexuals. Good for them! But so what? I'm cool about homosexuals now and I have to live through this comic book. Give me something to care about. Give me something to latch onto. If you're going to arbitrarily introduce characters and ideas, why not just go all out?
Why not just make them polygamists? That way you've got even more
wives at hazard. More wives means more tension! It'd be stupid not to
make them polygamists! You missed a trick, Paul Tobin!
Then, towards the end of the issue,
Galgo and his daring-do crew of dirtbag mercs abandon the crew on the
ground because they found out that there was a better storyline
somewhere out there (which is Predator. Go read that book).
An Engineer also appears for some
reason. He's culling the xenomorphs. That's pretty cool, I guess. I kind of wish it tied into the story at all instead of just being a thing that happened.

All of that said, I think I unfairly
criticized Juan Ferreyra's art in my previous reviews. When dealing with a panorama of
people, he isn't at his best, but there are individual panels, mostly
close ups of characters, that are actually quiet striking. As works
of art, they're beautiful. As panels in comics, they also do
something that only comics can do, which is to convey, in shorthand,
the emotional state of a character in a larger story.
With that said, I don't know if
Prometheus is the right book for him, but I'm willing to bet that he
has some great work in the past and some great work ahead of him. I
would very much like to see what he can do with a better script at
his disposal.
On the plus side, I should state that
the past two covers have been pretty neat (#2's cover from David Palumbo is an especially handsome work of art). #3 also features art
from Mr. Pulumbo (man, he does Magic: The Gathering card art too? This guy sure gets around) and it is another attractive work of art. It almost has me
tricked into thinking that the idea of a mutant android is a good
one.Then my memories come back to
me like a shotgun blast full of piss.
Prometheus #3 receives THREE
FACEHUGGERS OUT OF FIVE. And it has just barely earned that third
Facehugger. This comic is rapidly souring and the sun has yet to come
out. As the inaugural comic in the Fire and Stone event, Prometheus
is a poor pointman. It should be leading the pack in both tone
and quality. It should be the best thing on the line. Instead the best comic in this whole event is the last one released. Instead of a grand new era in Dark Horses comics we're introduced to a line of comics that are
basically dead on arrival.
What can be done to fix all of this? I don't know. Hire me, why don't you? I've got plenty of terrible ideas about Aliens and Predators. Plus, I'll work for a song. Scott Allie, I'm only a few key strokes away. You know you want to.
You can read the previous installments of "James Versus Fire and Stone" below:
Alien Versus Predator #2
Aliens #2
Predator #1
Alien #1 and Prometheus #1
James Kislingbury is a writer, a podcaster, and a dirtbag merc.
What can be done to fix all of this? I don't know. Hire me, why don't you? I've got plenty of terrible ideas about Aliens and Predators. Plus, I'll work for a song. Scott Allie, I'm only a few key strokes away. You know you want to.
You can read the previous installments of "James Versus Fire and Stone" below:
Alien Versus Predator #2
Aliens #2
Predator #1
Alien #1 and Prometheus #1
James Kislingbury is a writer, a podcaster, and a dirtbag merc.