We Were Wanderers On A Prehistoric Earth from James W Griffiths on Vimeo.
28 February, 2012
23 February, 2012
17 February, 2012
Un Phrophet

It's basically science fiction Conan if both the science fiction and Conan did some acid and then got thrown into a cock fight and then all of that was boiled down into some sort of an unction. Yeah. That's exactly what this is. Prophet is a fun comic. Whenever I encounter a book I basically come back to the same non-thought which is: This is what comics are supposed to be.
For whatever that's worth, it's a recommendation.
Actually, I take some of what I said back-- It isn't a totally insane book. Orc Stain is a totally insane book. As I understand it Tale of Sand is also an extra in Shock Corridor, but this book is actually completely straight forward. In its art, in its telling, it is stellar from start to finish. It's clean, it's coherent, and it's a lot of fun. So, you know what, yeah-- This is what comics are supposed to be.
On a meta-level, though, it doesn't make any real sense that this book exists. First off, it's also total fucking insanity that this issue is given the number #21. Prophet, as a book, hasn't existed in about twenty years. I imagine it got cancelled for a reason and I imagine I've never heard of it for more or less the same reason.
In terms of counter-programming against DC's complete re-numbering across the line it still seems crazy. It all seems crazy. What remains the craziest fact of all-- the craziest fact ahead of all else, ruling over the rest of the crazy facts from a throne made out of discarded phone books and cat droppings-- is that this is a Rob Liefeld creation and it's good. It's really fucking good.
There's nothing about that should work. This book is fun and, so far, it works as more than a pleasant surprise. Go ahead and pick it up. The second printing is out now. If you don't like it, then fuck you. I don't know what to tell you. Get your head out of your ass, maybe. You slimeball.
Image Comics,
Sci Fi
16 February, 2012
I'm Afraid of American Vampires

If you like comic books of a pleasing nature then you should already be buying American Vampire. I mean, if you're not, what are you, some sort of an idiot? It's got everything: Compelling characters, gross amounts of elaborate gore, cowboys, Stephen King, a loving rendition of recent American history, and wonderful art. Just because I liberated my first hardback from Borders when they were closing doesn't mean you
With all of that said, I just bought the third trade paperback. My local comic book store didn't have the second one in stock and not only did I not feel like waiting to buy them in order, the third volume is about Nazi vampires and Japanese vampire bio-organic weapons.
It's a great book, all told. There is a certain amount of spit in my eye, though, and I keep coming back to it. It is plaguing me.
I've found two glaring historical inaccuracies in the book. Naturally, they were about booze and guns.
The mai tai is mentioned in the first arc. The mai tai was not invented officially (or named the "mai tai") until the 1950's when tiki themed bars were as common as people with jobs and crippling diet pill addiction.
2) One fellow is clearly using a Colt Python. While one of the coolest and most iconic handguns ever to exist, the Colt Python was not minted until, again, the mid-1950's, when handguns were as common as people with jobs and airplane pilots' mistresses.
Also, the book is about vampires and everybody knows the last vampires were killed by the Vatican's secret army in the mid 17th-century and those who were no vanquished fled to Outer Thule to bide their time and dream of the day when man would fear them once again.
Maybe the aesthetic he was going for was one slightly ahead of the times. Lord knows that's a common thing to do, especially in books that are as steeped in science fiction and fantasy as a book about the legacy of fucking vampires in the goddamn United States. Metal Gear Solid 3 had its hover chairs, so why not let American V-pire (as we all call it down at the comic mine) have its anachronistic booze and Dirty Harry guns?
Oh, also a helicopter appears in the book to save the day, but I'll let that one go, because what kind of a nerd gives a good goddamn about the history of helicopters?
And, now to consecrate my love of this book, of blood suckers, and of David Bowie references apropos of nothing, here is the opening of The Hunger-- which is perhaps the bluest movie of the time.
15 February, 2012
The First Time I Got High
This was the episode I watched immediately after getting high and watching most of the end of Alien (my idea).
All I could think about while eating my mom's English toffee was, "Wow. Al Bundy loves his kid."
And as I sit today, I still think, "Man, I love Married with Children."
13 February, 2012
06 February, 2012
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